
I’m Chirag aka Chigsy, an independent consultant with a heart for small businesses. My mission is to sit beside you, the dreamers and doers, navigating through challenges and exploring opportunities with a shared vision of success.


With a background spanning sales, marketing, operations, processes, systems, and logistics, I bring a wealth of knowledge to help small businesses thrive. But, more importantly, I bring a listening ear and a commitment to work alongside you as we uncover the path to your goals, together.

Business Help

  • Tailored Guidance: Understanding that each business is unique, I offer personalized advice that fits your specific circumstances. Whether it’s finding efficiencies in your operations, enhancing your marketing strategy, or refining your logistics, I’m here to help.
  • Collaborative Strategy: Your business is a reflection of your hard work and vision. That’s why I believe in a partnership approach, working with you to identify areas for growth and improvement in a way that feels authentic and sustainable for your business.
  • Practical Solutions: Together, we’ll develop strategies that are grounded in reality and focused on actionable steps. My aim is to provide support that not only addresses your current needs but also positions you for future success, without overpromising or underdelivering.

Expanding Horizons with Innovative Solutions

While my core mission revolves around guiding small businesses through their unique challenges and opportunities, another exciting facet of my work is bringing innovative solutions to various markets. This dual focus not only enhances my ability to advise businesses but also positions me uniquely to foster innovation and growth across different sectors.

Let’s Collaborate

Ready to discuss how we can work together to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities ahead? Get in touch today to start our conversation. Whether a business in need of help, or a brand looking to develop in the UK market, let’s discover how Dinoys can support your journey, every step of the way.